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Gathering together - Jiubang Group Annual Meeting

2024-02-08 00:00:00

Time flies, and we have gone through another fulfilling and colorful year together. Today, we gather together to review the struggle of the past year and look forward to the future development direction.


The past year was a year full of opportunities and challenges for Jiubang. With the joint efforts of all employees, we have achieved remarkable results. We continue to innovate products, improve service quality, expand market share, and further enhance Jiubang's brand influence. Behind these achievements, the wisdom and sweat of every Jiubang person are condensed, and they are the result of everyone's concerted efforts and hard work.

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Looking back on this year, we have laughter, tears, difficulties, and breakthroughs. The successful delivery of each project and every customer's recognition and praise make us feel proud and gratified. At the same time, we continue to discover problems, solve problems, accumulate experience, and achieve self-growth and team development in the process.

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In the new year, we will face more opportunities and challenges. But I firmly believe that as long as we continue to maintain the spirit of unity, cooperation, and positive progress, and constantly improve our professional capabilities and comprehensive qualities, we will be able to overcome difficulties and achieve new breakthroughs. We must insist on being customer-centric, market-oriented, and constantly optimize products and services to create greater value for customers.

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Finally, I would like to thank every partner of Jiubang. It is your dedication and hard work that has made Jiubang what it is today. Let us work together to write a more glorious chapter for Jiubang in the new year!

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Thank you all!